
The Blue Meeting Room at the office of Kakaarkitekter in Gothenburg. What fits better than our Happy Indigo?

# 132-133

Happy Indigo hanging in the new office of Science Park in Borås who works for a positive societal development through a circular economy. The sustainable interior is made by Karuscha styling.

Mölndal Slow seams

# 88

Slow seams [large] for Mölndals Stad. Made by Mari.

Mölndal Slow seams

# 54

Slow seams [small] was delivered to Mölndals Stad in oktober 2020 together with #105. Made by Veronica.

Happy Flax TME Borås

# 80-84

Five handmade lampshades “Happy Flax” here hanging in the conference room of “Borås TME”. YuXia and Melinda made these. For Melinda it was almost the first lampshades she made for us during her time at Ergon, the workshop of Göteborg Stadsmission. Photo: Sanna Roy.

# 68-73, 96

To the new large office of “Kretslopp & Vatten”  in Gothenburg we have delivered two differents lampshades; “Slow tan” and “Happy indigo” [see below]. Melinda, YuXia, Sabah and Lahib made these lamps.

Happy Indigo Kretslopp och Vatten

# 66-67, 94, 99

“Happy Indigo” to the new office of “Kretslopp & Vatten” in Alelyckan outside Gothenburg. A lampshade made of leftover warp in fine flax from Kasthall and dipped in natural indigo. The bright indigo color adds so much to the shades. These are made by YuXia and Sabah.

k[not] waste [red] Husjuristerna

# 58

To the new office of Husjuristerna in Gothenburg we delivered our lampshade “k[not] waste” in red rope, here in a smaller size to fit the group of furnitures. This was the very first lampshade Sabah made for us.

Slow tan extra large Gårda Konferens Gothenburg

# 55

To the newly opened conference center in Gothenburg, Gårda Konferens, we delivered our first extra large “slow tan”, 90 cm in diameter. While YuXia was working with the lamp at the workspace Ergon, driven by Göteborgs Stadsmission it felt gigant, but as soon it was installed in their large room it shrinked a lot! So from now you can order this extra large lamp from us!

Slow seams Denim City Amsterdam

# 53

To Denim City in Amsterdam our Lill delivered herself our lamp “slow seams”. It was installed in their “very-important” meeting room. This lamp is made in different shades of jeans seams and it was Veronica from Ergon who made this lamp and she was the one to suggest to mix more seams in different blue colors. And this one has a copper colored lampshade – really nice too!